Link your Finnair Plus account to Epassi and use Avios to pay for a wide range of services at more than 39,000 locations in Finland.
Finnair Plus will adopt Avios as a new loyalty currency as of 9 March 2024. The update will also be seen in Epassi, as payments will be made with Avios instead of award points in the future.
Service break during the weekend.
Due to the change, the Finnair Plus service will be unavailable from 8 to 11 March 2024 in the Epassi application and all other service channels. However, during this period you can make payments as usual using Epassi personnel benefits.
All Finnair Plus award points will be converted automatically into Avios with a 3:2 ratio – 3 award points equal 2 Avios. But not to worry – the value of your existing points will not change when switching to Avios, as the prices in Avios will be updated with the same 3:2 ratio.
1. Download Epassi from your app store.
2. Insert your phone number & connect your Finnair Plus account.
3. Discover services with Near You view or search.
4. Pay on the counter by inserting the payment sum in € and choosing to pay with Avios.
5. Show the receipt to the cashier and enjoy!
The headline and subheader tells us what you're offering, and the form header closes the deal. Over here you can explain why your offer is so great it's worth filling out a form for.
ePassi tarjoaa fiksun ja luotettavan tavan parantaa työntekijöidesi hyvinvointia. Ota henkilöstöedut käyttöön, ilman turhaa säätöä.
You can use Avios in Epassi to pay for all services available in Epassi's merchant network.
Use your Avios to pay at over 14 000 sport merchants all over Finland. Popular activities include:
Swimming hall visit from 1 333 to 2 666 Avios
Spa visit from 2 000 to 4 000 Avios
Bowling 1 h from 5 333 to 9 333 Avios
Tennis court 1 h from 6 000 to 10 666 Avios
Ski pass, 1 day from 8 666 to 12 000 Avios
Golf green fee from 10 666 to 21 333 Avios
Prices vary between different merchants & services. Find all avaible merchants by browsing the Epassi app!
You can now pay with Avios easier than before at Finnkino movie theatres & other culture locations. Popular examples:
Movie ticket from 2 333 to 3 333 Avios
Heureka Science Centre 5 866 Avios
Theater ticket from 6 666 to 13 333 Avios
Museum card 1 year 19 200 Avios
Searching something unique? Find all the local pearls from the Epassi app.
The number of wellbeing merchants in the Epassi network is growing rapidly, including bigger health companies, smaller massage parlors and individual practitioners.
Massage 45min from 9 333 to 13 333 Avios
Physiotherapy 45min from 13 333 to 20 000 Avios
Dental inspection from 16 000 to 21 333 Avios
Find your nearest wellbeing merchants & browse different categories with the Epassi app.
Saitko meiltä tai työnantajaltasi viestin, että ePassi on nyt käytettävissäsi?
Pyyhkäise tai klikkaa oikealle, niin näet miten saat rahanarvoiset etusi hyötykäyttöön helposti ja nopeasti.
Työnantaja vastaa ePassin käyttöönotosta - heti kun tietosi on täytetty palveluumme, saat meiltä tunnukset sähköpostilla tai tekstiviestillä.
Jos et löydä viestiä sähköpostista tai puhelimestasi haulla "ePassi" - voit aina myös tilata uuden salasanan täältä. Käyttäjätunnus on puhelinnumerosi.
Avaa ePassi -sovellus puhelimessasi ja kirjaudu sisään - se tarvitsee tehdä vain kerran.
Näet sovelluksesta omat etusaldosi, voit etsiä käyttöpaikkoja ja tehdä maksuja.
1. Download Epassi from your app store, open the app and insert your phone number.
2. If you didn't previously have an Epassi account registered with the phone number, a new Epassi account will be created for you.
3. The Epassi app will now ask you to connect your Finnair Plus account. Insert your credentials and your accounts will be connected. You can now start paying with Avios.
4. Pay for any services at the cashier desk of your chosen merchant. Insert the sum in euros, swipe the payment and show the receipt from your phone screen to the cashier. Always make the payment on site, at the cashier desk.
When linking your Finnair Plus account to Epassi you will need to log into your Finnair Plus account with your email address or Finnair Plus number.
If you have lost your password, you can reset it in the Finnair website.
If you are not yet a Finnair Plus member, you can join and create your Finnair Plus account here.
There is no cost. You can download the Epassi app for free and there is no starting fee nor any monthly or yearly service fees.
After linking your Finnair Plus account to Epassi, you can check your current amount in the 'Balances' view in the app.
If the issue you are facing concerns the Epassi app, e.g. joining or paying, please contact or leave a support request to Epassi customer service.
If the issue involves Finnair Plus account-related matters, please see the Finnair Plus FAQs.
Avios are valid for 18 months from the latest activity date (earning or using Avios). Each activity will extend the validity date for all the award points for 18 months. Unused Avios will expire and get cancelled automatically if there is no activity within an 18-month period.
More information on Finnair website.
You can browse through the available merchants under each category. Choose a merchant and make a payment when you are on the premises of that merchant and show the receipt screen to the seller.
If you only have a Finnair Plus account connected and not any other available balances (e.g. employee benefits), the sum will be automatically deducted from your Avios balance.
If you have both employee benefits and Avios available for use, you can choose which wallet to use in the payment section.
Note: There are some merchants visible in the app that do not accept Epassi mobile payments yet and only other payment methods. If this is the case, it will be shown to you when using the app, and you cannot use your Avios in these places (e.g. tickets through R-kioski).
You can use Avios to pay for services at merchants in all benefit categories.
Please note that there are some merchants that do not accept Epassi mobile app payments yet. If this is the case, it will be shown to you when using the app.
At the moment, it is not possible to pay via the Epassi payment button in webshops e.g. Museum card, Finnkino or We will notify all customers when this feature becomes available.
In euros: Epassi automatically changes the Finnair Plus Avios payment into euros and the seller will always get the payment in euros.
At the moment, it is not possible to combine benefit balances and Avios in a single payment. When making a payment, you must choose one.
There is no universally fixed exchange rate from Finnair Plus points to euros.
The exchange rate between points and euros varies over different time periods, between different merchants and other influencing factors.
You can always check the valid 'rate' by choosing a merchant from the Epassi app, inserting the sum in euros and checking how many points the payment would cost.
You can pay for yourself as well as those of your accompanying family members or friends. Services are not limited to personal use when paying with Finnair Plus points.
Find out more about us
Epassi helps you to find some fresh tracks to your everyday life.
Epassi offers a favourable and reliable way to increase the wellbeing of your employees.
Epassi brings new customers and connects you to a broad and valued merchant network.
Submit a support request
or call us 0200 69000
(Mon-Wed & Fri 8.00 - 16.00, Thu 8.00 - 14.00, 1,75 € + lnc/mcc)